Joint municipality Eschede: Living

You find a well-balanced offer of building land in the joint municipality of Eschede. Favourably priced construction land, modern-day infrastructures, schools (all types of schools, except grammar which can be attended in Lachendorf), four children day-care centres (also with full day care), extensive leisure time and cultural offers and vital, grown village communities in manageable settlements.
It is really worth living around Eschede

Earlier location disadvantages are turning into advantages: Our villages are, to a great extent, spared from being overrun by settlements of the conurbations and have been able to retain their distinctive character.

Elementary school Eschede
German Red Cross kindergarten Eschede

Far-sighted people have their sights on the good transport connections of Eschede, by rail and road:

Celle 16 km

– approx. 10 minutes by rail

Hanover: 56 km

– approx. 40 minutes by rail

Lüneburg: 71 km

– approx. 70 minutes by rail

Hamburg: 125 km

– approx. 100 minutes by rail